such a long time..

June 4, 2006

so long i m not here 2update my suddenly felt wanting 2update so i m here..wad make me feel tis..hehez..sum problem of course..i need sumwhere 2realease wads on my i m here..its a long time i have a ralationship..but today i seen sumting tat make me feel tat sumting wrong between us..i felt like i m a stupid..doesnt noe wad reali happen between us..tis doesnt happen b4..felt tat he doesnt tell me the truth..but now i feel better..after having it on a piece of worksheet feel i noe wat to do..i tink it 4 hours..finally i found the decision i should take..

wheew..very long time din on9 d..

March 1, 2006

very long time i din on9 d..i hv busing on my study tiz few cant on9 n update all my now i m at my sch comp lab.came here n on9 4 awhile so cant write 2 long 2..i m goin 2face my important examination tis hard..