This is damn important in one of my lifetime
Without doing this, I couldn't finish my diploma of Information technology.
So do you think this is important?
All the while I was studying to get this certificate and get out of the college which is getting worst since I was in that college.
I had done few times of presentation and this is the most nerve wrecking presentation that I had done so far.
This is a presentation on the final project of my Diploma
Its a presentation to explain on the concept of my project and discuss on the planning as well.
Besides that,
I need to wear formal clothing for this presentation
This is my first time
Never in my lifetime I wear formal clothing
Hate those formal clothing because it looks dumb on me
Anyway I need to do it as well
Some pictures that I taken during presentation and after the presentation
Everyone of us are nervous during presentation
So have a look on how nervous we are during presentation
Beah and Ahmed presented before King Kooi and I forgot to snap some pictures of them
Will snap it the next time they are presenting
After king kooi's turn then its my turn to present =( *Nervous*
Joey's presentation time
That's the end of the day =D *Phew!!*
There are pictures taken after presentation and during the break of presentation
Compare our facial expression you will get to see how is our feeling after presentation
King Kooi Posing peace after presentation *a lot of different after presentation*
we had done our presentation *cheers*
That's our supervisor.
I got some shoot from him during presentation
Anyway forget about it cause I am still alive
Me and King Kooi
Daniel really looks different after presentation
That's the first day presentation,
Will update with the second day presentation then =D