Something that is so abstract that we couldn't really explain what is appreciate. To me it is the feeling of thankful for someone. Not only thankful to them but know what to do to make them down and in return show them that you appreciate them.I had seen so much example that there are having everything the best yet there are still demanding for more. They even became rebellious and saying it is the others fault for not letting them have what they wanted. As the oldest among all my siblings, my mum had brought me up in the way that makes me more mature. Understanding on something, acting the way I should and speak up when it is the truth.
My mum and dad. Both are my closest friends. There never give up on us all the time. I admit I am not all good girl for my parents. There are times that I was rebellious and still they are with me and talk to me. Luckily they gave me a wake up call at the right time.
I feel very thankful who I am and what I had gone through. I am also very happy that I had what I have now. Having the best parents in the world, having honey, having all my friends around me. I would like to say thanks to the god blessing and having all these lovely people around me =D
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